tisdag 25 augusti 2009

Installing Windows 7 from Microsoft Academy using Ubuntu


In order to install software from Microsoft Academy one has to run a special Microsoft Installer. This installer software will crash under Ubuntu/Linux.


The Windows 7 Downloader can be run from Ubuntu/Linux using wine. It will successfully download the iso (at 2.9gb) but hang at checking the CRC of the file.

The downloaded Windows 7 ISO is found under the wine directory and the temporary download location. For me this was:

Inside this folder the file "en_windows_7_professional_x64_dvd_X15.01.sdc" will be found. To convert this file to an .iso file, download UnpackSDC from: http://imagi.pl/?p=12

Unzip UnpackSDC and then change it's file permissions to executable. This can be done for instance by chmod +x unpacksdc.exe

Now run unpacksdc.exe from a shell in Ubuntu. For instance by: "unpacksdc.exe ./en_windows_7_professional_x64_dvd_X15-65805.01.sdc ."

Done! Now you have a .iso file under ubuntu which you can burn and use to install Windows 7.